Grow your giving through August Campaign
One person can make a difference. Together, we can change an entire city! We are excited to end the summer months with our August Giving Campaign. We challenge you to grow your giving by joining the UKC Monthly Giving Club.
When you join the MGC, you help provide the financial stability needed to support the wide range of programs that help create the positive change in our city that we all desire. And if you’re already a Member, you can more than double your impact just by moving to the next donor level.
Sign-up for the Monthly Giving Club
Here are just a few ways your donation DIRECTLY makes your city better:
funds 2 hours of criminal justice reform. Our Collaborative Courts Program reduces the rate of repeat offenders and supports rehabilitation.
funds 1 day of service learning for local students. Our Discovery Education Program provides social emotional and experiential learning via community service.
funds 4 hours of community organizing. Our Corporate Cares Program supports local businesses’ desire to foster socially responsible employees.
funds daily connecting and activating of community resources via our COVID Relief Resource Network.
In addition to the positive change your generosity creates, YOU get some awesome benefits too. Here’s a few tokens of our appreciation:
Free & discounted tickets to future UKC events
Free chances to win raffle prizes online and at UKC events
Free UKC T-shirt for donations of $25 and above
Create Or Join A Giving Circle
Does one of our programs speak to you more than the others? Would you like to build a deeper connection with that service? If so, a UKC Giving Circle may be perfect for you.
The initiative simply works to connect donors that share similar enthusiasm for a particular UKC program or service. This allows our supporters to build community with other like-minded individuals while also investing in their own specific passions, leading to lasting impact on both donor and community.
Register below to receive information on how to join a UKC Giving Circle or create your own.
Learn more about Giving Circles
Learn more about Giving Circles