Hands to Hearts


Hands to Hearts’ mission is to change the lives of children that do not have the basic necessities of life.

They have three main programs volunteers can participate in: BackSnacks, Bookmobile, and Clothing Closet. BackSnacks meets on Monday nights but they are looking for drivers to deliver to schools. Bookmobile is looking for locations to hold book drives, people to staff the bookmobile and people to organize the books. Clothing Closet is looking for clothing donations for children to wear for their first day of school and people to help organize the clothing.

Contact Information
9007A W 51st Terr, Merriam, Kansas 66203, United States
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Come join us on Saturday, March 30 for our annual signature event – a photo scavenger hunt in downtown KC. All funds help provide grants for our experiential learning programs.

Hands to Hearts Consultation

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