KC Metro Tax Coalition


The KC Metro Tax Coalition is a group of colleges, universities, community agencies and volunteers that work together to provide free tax services and financial education in the Kansas City area. Those services include IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs that prepare free tax returns for people who qualify based on age, income, ability, etc.

The program does taxes year round, but the busiest time is during the tax season, January through April. Adult volunteers are needed who can greet taxpayers, answer questions, collect/organize paperwork, prepare taxes, or help to operate the tax site with scheduling, set up, closing, etc. Education credits are available for specific students. Volunteers must complete training and certification, which is typically in November/December.

Contact Information
801 E 47th Street, Suite 500, Kansas City, Missouri 64112, United States
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Come join us on Saturday, March 30 for our annual signature event – a photo scavenger hunt in downtown KC. All funds help provide grants for our experiential learning programs.

KC Metro Tax Coalition Consultation

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