3 Volunteer Opportunities For Back to School Season

For many students, returning to school is an exciting time. They look forward to seeing friends again, continuing extracurriculars, and diving back into their favorite subjects. But for every kid excited to go back to school, there are many more who dread it. For those who struggle with learning in traditional learning environments, back to school season is a challenge. Whether they struggle with mental illness, have a learning disability, or have a complicated home life, every kid deserves a chance to learn. Where the American education system is unable to help these students, volunteer organizations exist to continue their important work. 

You can be a part of making someone’s school year better and brighter. We’ve collected a few of our favorite Kansas City volunteer opportunities centered around education. They all cover a variety of subjects, so you’re sure to find at least one that catches your eye. 


Higher education is a dream for many students, and it’s often necessary to secure a successful career. But for those in foster care, lack of access to resources and support makes this dream almost impossible. Only 3-4% of former foster care youth obtain a four year degree.

Cornerstones of Care’s YES Program aims to remove these barriers preventing foster youth success. By volunteering as a life coach with a YES participant, you’ll provide stability and support to help them pursue their goals. 

Sending encouraging phone calls and texts, sharing meals, and attending achievement events are just a few ways life coaches make an impact on foster youth. If you’re skilled in teaching or certain subjects, you can also volunteer as a tutor in science, math, reading, or writing.



The effects of literacy development span an individual’s lifetime, impacting life outcomes, education, and economic development. In no stage of life is developing literacy as important as during childhood.  Reading is the foundation for school success, interpersonal communication, and self expression

Turn the Page KC is dedicated to addressing this need for all kids, no matter their zip code. You can help children develop and retain reading proficiency in several ways. Turn the Page hosts many volunteer opportunities from other programs on their website. Most of them are on a one-on-one basis. 

Whether you prefer a one-time commitment or recurring weekly shifts, there’s opportunities for every kind of schedule. Common volunteer roles with these programs involve reading aloud to students, tutoring in reading and writing, and assisting at events.

 Synergy services  

For students going through childhood trauma, mental illness, or abuse, the everyday challenges of school feel inconquerable. The programs provided by Synergy Services provide youth and families in crisis with invaluable services and resources, such as emergency housing, counseling, and mentorship.

 If you’re a volunteer who enjoys a lot of options, Synergy is the place for you. Many different opportunities are available, and if you don’t find one you like, new volunteer ideas are always welcomed—just email Jennifer at [email protected] with yours. 

While you may not be directly working with a child in a school setting, your impact as a volunteer will have a ripple effect on the clients Synergy serves. You’ll be a key part of programs improving their social, personal, and academic lives. 

Looking for even more great organizations to give your time? Check out Uncover KC’s Volunteer Directory or Upcoming Volunteer Events to find your next volunteer outing today!



Come join us on Saturday, March 30 for our annual signature event – a photo scavenger hunt in downtown KC. All funds help provide grants for our experiential learning programs.

3 Volunteer Opportunities For Back to School Season Consultation

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